May 29, 2020
We bring you a conversation with Tim, Jess, and Andy about unexpected life lessons. Running has taught them a lot about life, but so have a couple of other fun life events. We all can learn from many different sources and apply those lessons to running as well.
The trio goes around and shares some unexpected life...
May 21, 2020
We bring you a special conversation about race, diversity, equity, and inclusion between Tim, Jess, and Ted Metellus from New York Road Runners. You may remember Ted from Episode 74 when he shared background and insight on the quick and amazing work that was done to re-work the course of Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas...
May 15, 2020
On this week’s episode of The BibRave Podcast, Tim & Jess talk to Tony Yamanaka, Vice President of Operations for Event Southwest, a boutique event production company. They then chat about the running industry and why runners run. Basically, prepare to nerd out.
Tony graduated from the University of Edinburgh where he...
May 8, 2020
Exhausted by all the serious talk these days? Relax with some casual convo in this week’s episode. Tim, Jess, and Andy have some fun with a game of This or That fueled by our BibRave Instagram followers (be sure follow us if you don’t already!)
Knockaround knows that summer is just around the corner. They’ve got...
May 1, 2020
This week Tim, Jess, welcome back Dr. Stacy Sims, exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist! Stacy first appeared on the podcast with Jess and Julia in Episode #105 where she shared why women’s bodies differ from men, and how women can utilize this knowledge to optimize their training. Her episode is regularly one...